
Rand(Nerds); Episode 88



Welcome to Episode 88 Bard has still been playing CRPG with Shadowrun: Dragonfall and  Shadowrun: Hong Kong. A cyberpunk meet fantasy RPG based on the tabletop  game. Featuring blind ghoul samurai and dragon business leaders. He  talks about the differences between the games and his preferred game  play style. Skazz has finally finished Doom 2016, but the big question is; on  which platform? He talks about some of the bugs on the different  platforms. We also discuss the Nintendo Labo and his kid thoughts on it.  He also talks about the battle royal game Radical Heights, style after  an 80s game show which reward ‘smashing through the window’ gameplay and  we discuss the weirdness between fanbases. TheSuffolkRam has been revisiting Alien: Isolation. an Horror games  based on the first alien film, he talks about the learning AI of the  alien and the immersive gameplay. Plus the nerds have a brief discussion  of the plus and minis of the Alien films. R