
Rand(Nerds); Episode 59



Welcome to episode 59 Skazz has been playing Souls style game Nioh playing an starring a chilled waxed Irish/English/welsh bloke in japan, it follows the souls formula of being very difficult but very fun. TheSuffolkRam has been scratching his far cry itch in the latest game Far Cry: Primal. Featuring psychic owls dive bombing and remote controlling saber tooth tigers. Skazz has also been playing the most recent Legend of Zelda: breath of the wild. He has a rant about the changs made to the game for the release of Nintendo Switch. Otherwise am enjoyable game. Middlemeister has been returning to fallout 4 and talks about playing a couple of the DLC with Nuka world and Far Harbor. Nuka world featuring becoming leader of all the raider in a theme park and Far Harbor. Skazz has finally got round to completing a game he started year ago with Army of Two: Devils Cartel and the joy of trying to record a let play and couch co-op. Middlemeister has been watching the new to Netflix series 12 Monkeys not unfortunately f