
Rand(Nerds); Episode 54



Welcome to the Rand(Nerds); Podcast episode 54 Skazz has been playing a 2d side scrolling beat em up Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds, that features dropping time machines on people and characters from other tv series. TheSuffolkRam has been channeling his inner bureaucrat by stamping passports and detaining people for money with Papers, Please. Skazz has been watching James May build lawnmowers and telephone with his last BBC series The Reassembler, we also discuss TV series presented by the other Top Gear presenters as well. Ram just finished watching the final series of Continuum,and small budget production featuring form fitting suite. Skazz has been looking forward to a new graphics card, the GTX 1050ti and discusses his hatred of scalpers We talk about the death of Carrie Fisher and the current morale implications of using CGI actors in films. We look back at the recently finished steam sales, the bargains we got, and how one of us spent a little bit more then the other. We also talk about what will happ