
Rand(Nerds); Episode 1



SPOILER WARNING: We discuss Dishonored and reveal a lot of ending details about the game. This episode we talk about FFXIV, what a bad job Corvo did as lord  protector, being hunted by Prince Charles, running in a wok and how  stressful it is to type names into text box and then hitting the search  button. Hi all Well its finally here! Our first podcast is now online. We’re finding  our feet with it a little still, and I was dying with a cold through  the episode, but otherwise all good. Or, you can see it on YouTube Notes The homepage for Final Fantasy XIV if you want to run around with Luke. You can purchase Dishonored the Brigmore Witches here. Or if you want something a bit more old school and experience the stress of typing text and beeping, have a look at Uplink.  Fancy being hunted in the British Countryside? Have a look at Sir, you are being hunted Fancy a go at game-making? have a look at Unity, and here’s a decent tutorial to get you started. Fancy running about in a wo