Gullah/geechee Nation

#DemandtheRebrand: Ending @GullahGeechee Exploitation



Tune in to Gullah/Geechee Riddim Radio to learn about the #DemandtheRebrand campaign.  The Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition is leading a campaign to stop the use of the names "Gullah." "Geechee," and "Geechie" on products and the word "plantation" on gated areas, resorts, and subdivisions.  Tune een fa yeddi how hunnuh kin hep we stop de mascotification and exploitation een de @GullahGeechee Nation. "Geechie Boy Grits Mill" and "Geechee Girl Charters" have taken down their websites and issued apologies to the Gullah/Geechees and the overall Black community for their participation in exploiting this unique cultural community that continues to fight for its human rights.  Revelry Brewing Company and Gullah Gourmet have not done so and continue to promote products including alcholic beverages bearing our name.  Disya hafa stop!  We are NOT masots!  A petition is online to stop this and to stop gated areas, resorts, and subdivions from using the word "plantation."  Details are here: https://gullahgeecheenatio