Star Wars Blaster Canon

BC13: Episode IX News, Comics, Phasma Novel



With J.J. Abrams back in the pilot's seat for Episode IX, the Blaster Canon crew talks about how the director might have learned from his experience on Episode VII. Did Abrams find himself unexpectedly returning to his old headcanon for the new film? We also talk about the current Marvel Star Wars comics Captain Phasma and Mace Windu, as well as the Star Wars Adventures comics.Our main Expanded Universe discussion is on the novel Phasma by Delilah S. Dawson, which tells the story of the Imperial trooper's origins. We touch on whether her characterization in the book matched with what we thought about her in The Force Awakens, whether Phasma's rival Cardinal might one day make an appearance in saga, and how the structure of the book reflects Phasma's personality.Follow us on Twitter at @blastercanonpod, and check out Den of Geek for Star Wars coverage from New York Comic Con 2017.Timecode: JJ as new Episode IX director - 0.50 Brief Princess of Alderaan talk - 13:25 Star Wars comics reviews - 16:00 Phasma - 30: