Star Wars Blaster Canon

BC1: Expanded Universe News, Before the Awakening



Keep an eye on the galaxy far, far away with Blaster Canon, a monthly podcast about the Star Wars Expanded Universe and the blockbuster films.Hosted by writer Megan Crouse and experienced podcasters Saf Davidson and Paul Hermann, Blaster Canon explores the books, comics, video games, and other stories that bring the Star Wars universe beyond the confines of the silver screen. Want to know how a character’s backstory is explored throughout multiple media? We’ll have it, plus maybe some debate on whether the Expanded Universe is the right place for that character at all. Examine, analyze, and enjoy Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars novels from Del Rey and Disney-Lucasfilm Publishing, and Marvel.For the inaugural episode, check out our review of Before the Awakening, the young adult novel that explores the characters of The Force Awakens before the events of the movie. You’ll also get an introduction to the new cast, plus Star Wars news and a look at Marvel’s Kanan comic and the Leia novel Star Wars: Bloodline. What c