Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

“Mental Wellness, Black Survival: The Junction of Multi-Generational Trauma”



“Mental Wellness, Black Survival: The Junction of Multi-Generational Trauma”  Guest: Brandon Jones, MFT The Jegna Institute LIVE & Call-In July 25, 2020 Focus Tonight: How do we help our people to improve emotional self-care, begin and transverse a necessary healing journey, and become more aware of ancestral, inter-generational, and compounded emotional pain. We will examine the implication of Slave Descendant Trauma health issues as we experience police brutality, police killings, and the pandemic. About Tonight's Guest: Brandon Jones brings a down-to-earth and compassionate attitude to Mental Health. Brandon is a psychotherapist, professor, Behavioral Health Consultant. He specializations in Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Historical and Intergenerational trauma, Social/Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Leadership, and Youth Justice.