Living Art Beyond Judgment ~ Nicole Saynara Lellek

How To Blow Up The Law Of Attraction ~ Nicole Saynara Lellek



Living Art Beyond Judgment with Nicole Saynara Lellek Radio Show One of the most discussed and most misunderstood concepts in the spiritual / conscious community is the so-called Law of Attraction. It's topic of countless books and even more seminars. And how does it work for you? Are you reading the 23th book to finally get it? Booking yet another seminar that promises a "guaranteed breakthrough"? Or are you just having fun with it? Whaaat? You haven't? Then, it's time to change, darling! Nicole Saynara Lellek is an Intuitive Artist who struggled with her creativity for decades until she finally found a way out of constantly judging herself and her work. Being told from early on that she “wasn’t good enough” she adopted the point of view falsely assuming it was her own.