Living Art Beyond Judgment ~ Nicole Saynara Lellek

You Cannot Make Me Whole Again – Misconceptions About Love



Spiritual Adventures with Nicole Lellek Radio Show It's spring! Time to talk about love and romance! Are you looking for the love of your life? For the one and only to complete you? To make you whole again? Many people have the belief that there is a “significant other” and they wander through life searching that very special person. Also and especially in the spiritual community there is that concept of a soulmate or dual soul / twin flame. What if this idea about soulmates was not only completely misunderstood but about something completely different? And what if we actually had no idea what love is in its core essence? Nicole Lellek is a psychic intuitive who after having her “Spiritual Awakening” as adult, stepped into all of her capacities with the adventures of living…including rollercoaster rides & loopings!