Inward With Rabbi Joey Rosenfeld

The World of Izhbitz/Radzyn: The Tree of Doubt



S5:E3 In this episode of Inward, Rabbi Joey attempts to describe the origin of this world’s difficulties. What is it that makes being human so intense? In order to answer this question, we descend into the world of Izhbitz/ Radzyn’s conception of the primordial transgression, the episode of the “tree of knowledge of good and evil”. For Izhbitz/Radzyn, this tree undergoes a name change where it becomes “the tree of doubt”. The typical conception of epistemological doubt which sees doubt as an unfortunate symptom that exits so long as the world is unredeemed is aligned against the novel conception of ontological doubt which sees doubt as a fundamental building block in the constitution of human subjectivity. Doubt becomes the propelling force behind authentic human subjecthood. It is specifically within a world of doubt that choice becomes a possibility. We also discussed the relative nature of doubt. One begins with doubt that stems from a lack of knowledge. Once knowledge is acquired the original doubt is era