Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

Financial Awareness & Creating Wealth ~ Guest Arlene Broussard



Join Heather in a dynamic interview with Arlene Broussard, speaker, bestselling author, self-made millionaire, and wealth coach.  In this interview, Arlene shares her stories of how she became a millionaire by being herself, by choosing to empower herself financially, and by truly following her awareness of what was true for her with money.  Arlene also has a corporate job where she leads a team to deliver experiential marketing services to corporations. While a student at UCLA’s business school, she struggled with thoughts of not being good enough to understand the workings of Wall Street and money.  Arlene shifted her approach and started operating from her true authentic self…. this lead her to wealth creation expertise.  Her passion is empowering women to activate their inner "money goddess”.  She now teaches her approach through easy to follow products and services live and online. You can reach Arlene at or on her Facebook business page named "Arlene Broussard".