Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

Changing Your Money Story ~ Heather Nichols



What stories do you have about money and finances that are creating a limited financial reality in your world?  The places where we get stuck financially and with our money flows are often a reflection of the stories we are unconsciously telling ourselves, keeping secret, or that are not even our own stories.  What if you could create a different financial reality for yourself by re-writing your story and changing your point of view?  What if money could be so much easier for you, and so much more abundant in your life?  What point of view would you have to have for that to be your reality? Heather has created dynamic change in her financial world since playing with the tools of Access Consciousness and becoming an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator and a Joy of Business Facilitator.  Join her for a dive into a conversation that will give you tools, tips, practices, and questions to start to truly change your financial reality! Go here to learn more about the upcoming Telecall with Heather, to  Re-Wri