Unchained With Becky Herdt

Committing to Your Life ~ Guest Julie Tuton



What if being you and doing what you desire is easier than you think – and all starts with a choice? The word commitment often brings up interesting energies and is a little daunting. What if it doesn’t have to be that hard? Making a commitment to your life is about the willingness to recognize what is true for YOU, and to BE that, regardless of what others may think. You become the leader of your life, and in doing so, become the invitation for others to do the same. It is a continual choosing greater and greater toward the energies of your true life. What is it you came here to Be and do that would like to emerge? Join my guest, Julie Tuton, as we step into the discussion of Committing Your Life. Is now the time? Julie Tuton is a gifted facilitator, with razor sharp awareness that she uses to cut to the core of your issues – encased with the kindness and caring you have always wished for but never found. She lives in the space of non-judgment, allowing her to be very real and present with you. Applying her