Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

Leading With Authenticity ~ Guest, Rob Murray



Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Leading with Authenticity ~ A Leader is not just from 9-5.  A Leader does not come from title, social stature, or the size of one’s paycheck, but rather from knowing yourself, how you live, and the impact you make around you. Authenticity is being true to one's own personality, spirit, or character and is sincere and authentic with no pretensions.   Join Christine McIver and her guest Rob Murray as they discuss what being a leader in this world today looks like and doing it with authenticity. Rob Murray believes in leadership and community. "If we help people get noticed and get attention, they have a bigger voice and more influence over their own destiny and how they can strengthen their community." Rob is focused on creating strategy and purpose. His experience has given him the opportunity to understand how sales and marketing have a very crucial relationship together and if that relationship is strong, then they have a chance to be successful. His goal is