Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer

Choose You: How To Have Your Own Back ~ Megan & Suzanne



Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show We hear a lot to be ourselves, to choose for ourselves and to trust and have our own back. And yet, how do you do that, really? For the last 8 weeks, we’ve been talking about undoing constructs and in order to really do that we have to strengthen our connection to ourselves; who we truly are. So if you have been feeling uncertain, fearful, or wobbly, we invite you to join us this week as we talk about coming back to center, and back to you. Are you ready to Live Your Magic?!  You can join Megan Sillito in Dallas, TX for this class - June 9 through 11 - details are here Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show: