Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer

Let’s Blow Some Sh$t Up! ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer



Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show What constructs are you STILL operating from that you knew even as a little kid didn’t make sense for who you BE? What belief systems, rules, or social mores have you bought into that just aren’t true for you? Where are you still trying to fit into a box and cutting off your arms and legs to do so. Is now the time to claim the freedom AND love you desire in relationship? Wouldn’t you like to let go of the old constructs of parenting through control and separation and open up to true communication and communion with your kids? Isn’t it time to create health and vitality with your body YOUR way instead of through someone else’s diet or exercise plan? Are you ready to let go of the limited collective consciousness we’ve bought as the “way it is”. Join us as we blow some Sh$t up and empower you to claim YOUR way. Hosts Megan Sillito and Suzanne Stauffer are the embodiment of “opposites attract”. Collectively, they’re the summation of Megan’s big vision coupled with Suzanne