Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer

Want More Cash? More Clients? ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer



Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Are you confronted by how to make money with your gifts? Are you trying to turn a hobby into a real business? A part-time gig into full-time? Growing your business so it's consistently bringing in plenty of clients and cash is a challenge. So often we see people give up on their dream business because success doesn’t come as easily or quickly as they would like. What if what feels like a lack of results is simply a function of not having all the puzzle pieces put together correctly. What if it requires tapping the energy and riding the wave? Join us this week as we share the five waves of business creation so you can more successfully put your business puzzle pieces together. Hosts Megan Sillito and Suzanne Stauffer are the embodiment of “opposites attract”. Collectively, they’re the summation of Megan’s big vision coupled with Suzanne’s knack for details. Partnered in love and in business for the last five years, they’re taking co-creation to a whole new level. Join M