

What’s your body got to do with your business, you ask?  How about everything? We create our business for our bodies; to feed them, clothe them, and take them on vacation.  In fact, a lot of us have a business so we can be of service to other bodies (clients, friends, and family). And yet, we create separation and either/or with our bodies and business, which can create exhaustion, neglect, and competition. What can your body contribute to your business that you’ve been unaware of? What can your business contribute to your body that you’ve been unaware of? Join us to explore how to find the AND with your body and biz.  Identify and clear unhealthy patterns and create more ease and flow in your life. P.S. Don’t forget to get your Backstage Pass to Megan’s Double Dog Dare Challenge to infuse play and creativity into your body and biz.  Click here for the details: Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our f