Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

Your Body..the GREAT Entity and Energy Translator



What does you BODY know about the spirit world? Did you know that the sensations in our body can by you body giving you information about the entities and energies around you? What have you misidentified as a problem in your body that is its awareness of entities? Did you know that entities can affect your body? If you were willing to be in communion with your body would your awareness of entities increase? Can your willingness to receive what your body knows and is communicating to you increase your communion with your body?? For many people they resist their awareness of entities believing that is they choose to be aware it would create more dis-ease in their bodies...what if that was just not true?? What if the way to more ease with your body is claiming, owning and acknowledging what you know of entities and energies? We will be chatting about this subject and so much sure to bring your bodies with you!!