Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

Making Light of the Dark Side – with Cara & Bret



What does the dark side mean to you?? What does this phrase conjure for you in your mind? What thoughts, feelings, and conclusions do you have about what the dark side is... Did you learn to discriminate between the two? Were you taught to revere the light and avoid the dark? Where did these polarized points of view originate for you? One of the things Bret and I realized is how much the media has shaped our views here. For Bret it brought up images from Star know "Luke, I am your Father". For me it brought up all the cartoons/shows that I saw as a child like "the Dark Crystal". What the media, as well as many others sources, do is create light and dark from a place of polarity...good/bad...right/ or the other... What if all of that is just an interesting point of view??? What makes something dark for you? Is it when you judge it as scary, wrong or evil? Do you ignore or avoid those things you have judged as dark? What else could be created if we removed the idea of either/or with light