All Nations Church Bedford

FOF008: Rise Up In Faith



The times and seasons are in God’s hands, the skies and waters obey Him; we do not look at the mess that the world is in as those with no hope or those with no faith; our faith is in an all-knowing, all-wise God and we are called to rise up. John Ortberg says ‘ when human beings shrink God they pray without faith, worship without awe, serve without joy, suffer without hope and the result is a very bad life of stagnation and fear. Different people will identify with different characters in the story of David and Goliath, like the brother Eliab who puts David down to make himself feel better, Goliath who intimidates and hurts, like the fearful Israelites in lockdown but maybe who we should identify with most are the Army who recognise their desperate need of a saviour, a champion to save the day. We are not called to defeat death, overcome our fears, fix our sin we can’t no matter how hard we try but Jesus did and because of this we can rise up for the glory of God and play our part in what He has called us to.