Sound Health Options - Ttmg & Sharry Edwards

Dale Carson - Arrest-Proof Yourself - A Review



What do you say if a cop pulls you over and asks to search your car?  • What if he gets up in your face and uses a racial slur?  • What if there’s a roach in the ashtray?  • What if your hot-headed teenage son is at the wheel?  More people than ever are getting arrested—usually for petty offenses against laws that rarely used to be enforced. And because arrest information is so easily available via the Internet, just one little arrest can disqualify you from jobs, financing, and education. Join us for a timely review with Dale Carson, an ex-cop, ex-FBI  as he shares his experiences and ideas of how we can PROTECT ourselves against the authorities! Dale joins us again to discuss his Book: 'Arrest-Proof Yourself'  as well as his current thoughts on our safety in dealing with Police and the legal system. Arrest-Proof Yourself  Dale Carson Law • You Need Representation • Let Us Protect Your Rights !