Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Clearing Cords with Crystal Energy: An Interview with Heather Askinosie & Timmi Jandro from Energy Muse



Today I'm so excited to get to be speaking with the amazing ladies at Energy Muse, Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro. So ladies, thank you so much for being here with us today.     I've been really looking forward to talking to you both again. Our last conversation really got me thinking...One of the things that we touched on during that interview was clearing cords with crystal energy. So, I thought that would be a great thing to share with everyone today. Can you tell us a little bit about energetic cords? Timmi Jandro: So, sometimes people don't even realize that they have attached to someone energetically. Again, I could just use Heather and I as an example. We're around each other a lot. And so, let's say I come in and I'm having a terrible day. I might not mean to put that energy towards Heather, but because we're so close, she feels it. It's a good practice that we use often because you want to just be free of that energy and it's not like she's cutting me out of her life. She's cutting that energe