Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Crystals for the Virgo New Moon



Before we get into my 3 favorite crystals for the Virgo New Moon, I want to share a personal story with you about how I got started working with lunar energy and why it’s so important to me.         I know how important this work is based on my own experience. I want to share it with you so that you may find healing and comfort through working with the moon just as I have. About four years ago, my life was interrupted dramatically when I needed to have a hysterectomy. It was only two weeks before my 29th birthday, and it wasn't entirely devastating for me because I had long before decided not to have children. Despite this, it hit me in quite an unexpected way. My personal choice not to bear children felt positive and somewhat empowering, but when that choice was completely taken away, part of me grieved for what I may have lost. Over the next few years, I struggled silently with grieving a part of myself that I hadn't realized was so important to me. Part of me felt incomplete. I felt a longing for