Wilde About Wellbeing

‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Events Don’t Exist – How to Learn From Your Experiences



I’ve spent more than a DECADE feeling upset about my university degree. I felt like a FAILURE because I didn’t think the grade was good enough. That grade - to my mind - was too AVERAGE. Actually. BELOW average.   What I did… -- Took every degree and diploma going to try and make up for it - DIDN’T WORK -- Became an accountant to prove I was academic AF - DIDN’T WORK -- Continually reminded myself of it, so that I never did worse than I hoped again - DIDN’T WORK -- Told myself I was useless and stupid - DIDN’T WORK It took me nearly THIRTEEN YEARS to realise that those things hadn’t worked - and that I could try to THINK DIFFERENTLY! Mind. Blown.