Wilde About Wellbeing

Why we need to stop labelling ourselves and each other



I LABELLED MYSELF AS "FAT AND UGLY". Do you know what happens when you put a label like that on yourself? You believe it. Your brain doesn’t analyse the stuff you’re telling it - it just accepts it. Then what happens when you’re next making a decision? Your brain jumps to a conclusion for you, based on all those labels you hold within your identity.   Me: “Hmmm, do I want another cake?” Subconscious: “I’m fat” Decision: “Might as well, I’m fat already”   Me: “Should I go live on Instagram?” Subconscious: “I’m ugly” Decision: “No way, I’m not cute enough for that!”   Me: “Should I start coaching others?” Subconscious: “I’m not good enough” Decision: “Nope - you’re not good enough.”   We let ourselves live our lives by these subconscious beliefs and labels that sit in the depths of our being. Things from years ago are dictating everything you do. But we can drop the labels - that’s what’s so exciting!! This was inspired by Dr Adi Jaffe / IGNTD's #OnceAnAddict campaign - check it out at igntd.com/oaa It’s time t