Ibc Podcast

Tohatchi Diary



Summary Each year IBC students take trips across the country to minister in different areas. One of the longest-running trips is to Tohatchi, New Mexico, a small town on the Navajo Reservation. It is this trip to Tohatchi highlighted in this episode. Somewhat different than our normal sermon or interview series, this is an audio diary with clips from Brother Sleeva, Brother Jerry Eastridge, clips of the worship at the church, and various group participants. More Content from Tohatchi If you enjoyed this, we've also created a video recap of the trip to help you put names, faces, and places together. Watch that at Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/IBCpromo/videos/10157479109923696/ You can catch photos on Facebook from the Tohatchi and the other spring break trips at https://www.facebook.com/pg/IBCpromo/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10157350791668696 Share We would love to hear your feedback at podcast@go2ibc.com. If you like this episode, share it with a friend. A universal link for this episode is: https: