Kelly's Talkshow




When the Michelin Guide was first introduced at the beginning of the 20th century it was a little different than the popular guide we know today. Because Michelin was tire company, the purpose of the guide was to help people drive, not to help people eat. However, many of the maps included restaurants, and the company began to give stars (one, two or three) to the restaurants they liked best. Having a star is a really big deal: not only does your restaurant become more famous, but it also means that you can charge more money! However, not everyone is so happy about receiving it: Some restaurants have even asked for Michelin to take back their star. Why would people want to refuse such an honor? Having a star means that you will attract a certain type of customer, one that expects a very high quality meal along with a certain kind of atmosphere. In any case, even if some restaurants don’t want the Michelin Star, there are thousands of others that will happily receive one.《米其林指南》于上世纪初问世,但最初的指南和现在我们熟悉的美食指南非常不同,因