Kelly's Talkshow




Hi, there. Do you have any openings today?你好,今天有发型师有空剪头发吗?Ok, what are we doing today? Just a trim or would you like to add some color?好的,你今天想怎么弄头发?稍微修一下还是做个颜色?No, just a trim today. Thanks.修剪一下就好。谢谢。Sure. How much do you want taken off?好的。要剪多少长度?Just a few centimeters to take off the split ends.剪几公分就行,把分叉的头发剪掉。You bet. Would you like some layering to add volume?没问题。要不要剪一些层次、让头发看起来更蓬松?Some layering but not too much.可以剪一些层次,但不要太多。Great. Would you like to trim your bangs as well?好的。刘海需要修吗?Yeah, just a little above the eyebrows, but not too short.要,在眉毛上面一点点,但不要太短。BackGround Music:Let's Dance Artists:David Bowie