Find & Sustain Podcast

Episode 10 - Let's Talk About Debt Baby! - A quick look into paying down your debt!



I remembered how broke I was in college and now that I was making good money, I didn’t want to go back to bad spending habits. So I buckled down and saved about $1,000 each paycheck totaling to about $10,000 within ~7 months toward my emergency fund (I was aggressive). My paychecks went toward my emergency fund, investment fund, rent, groceries, and clothes. I love paying myself first. ⠀⠀My emergency fund and investment fund started to grow before my eyes. As I was saving rigorously but my student loans were piling up. I was now almost 1.5 years out of college and was only making minimum payments towards my loan. I refinanced one of my student loans. Talk about scary. I was so scared to do this, but it allowed me to receive a competitive interest rate.⠀Fear held me back from paying off any debt. It’s amazing how something like debt will allow you to be nervous about your finances. I didn’t want to pay off my debt, because I had saved up all this money and want to use it for a rainy day. Hear more about my jou