Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

5 Best Crystals for Shadow Work



We’re approaching Samhain - the time of year when the veil is the thinnest and when we move into the dark half of the year. This is a time for withdrawing inward.   This is not just about the ways that we withdraw from the world and start enjoying the warmth of the home as the weather turns colder (here in the northern hemisphere). It is also about how we start to reflect upon our own inner world. It is the time for getting comfortable with the darkness and following the flow of the earth’s natural cycles. It’s the time for Shadow Work.   Shadow work is a journey inward to reclaim the darkness and light within you. Shadow work helps you gain an intimate understanding of your inner self. It’s the conscious undertaking of exploring the dark, interior realm of your subconscious mind and the hidden feelings and wounds that reside there. In a modern, spiritual sense, Shadow Work is about uncovering and exploring the parts of yourself that are holding you back. These parts may be preventing you from living in a