Wilde About Wellbeing

If You're Serious About Wanting Abundance in Your Life, You Need an Alter Ego



YOU NEED AN ALTER EGO - here's why! Do you remember as a kid you aspired to be the popstar of the moment? The way we'd copy exactly what they did. Alter egos in adult life are kinda similar.  You see, if you don't have what you want already, love, you're not going to get it unless you start thinking about your identity. For example, if you see yourself as "overweight person" (this is a biggie, pun intended, for me), you can't be normal weight. Your identity matters. It's how you see yourself, and what you believe - in your subconscious - that you're capable of. How many people do you know who flip between overweight and slim? I know plenty - myself included. Why do you think they can't keep up the weight loss? It's all about their identity. They have the "fat person" belief.  The people who release weight and keep it off? They've changed their internal identity. They now believe in themselves as "slim person".  Changing your identity is HARD. That's why I'm sharing a little technique to help you on your way: