Isa Podcast

Debating & Liberalism - Mohammed Hijab



‘If we wanted, we could make our own universe’, words that Mohammed Hijab (MH), aged 15 at the time, heard when he came across a video of an atheist public speaker. At a very young age, Mohammed Hijab came in contact with anti-religious and therefore anti-Islamic notions, predominantly originating from the West. After all, the education system is focused on spreading liberalism. This results in students questioning nearly everything in life, including religion. Parents and imams are often incapable of answering their questions. This causes a shift in authority from the parents to the professor, who has enjoyed a higher level of education. If and when the students are not able to stand their ground in discussions about liberalism, atheism, religion etc. these discussions will affect their belief in God. However, because of his study political science, Hijab was able to stand firm during discussions like these due to the weekly debates which improved his debating skills. This leads to the biggest question of th