Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

137: Embracing Our Power Taking a Stand to Say NO MORE (#1 of 3)



We have become so resilient that we have become too tolerant. We have said yes to keep doing more with less. Piling more on to already too full plates. Assimilating into ways of working and managing our lives that frankly haven't been working for a long time. Now is the time, to give voice to what is no longer sustainable for you... in your work, in your relationships, in your life design, in your health and wealth. And then look around, and realize this : It's not your fault. You are not alone. And together, we do have the power to change this. There are MANY many women and beings who feel the same way - overwhelmed, overworked and over it. Tired of over stretching themselves to make it work, make ends meet, get things done.  We've been talking about this for years at Feminine Power Time. And we are at the breakthrough or breakdown point ... which will you choose? I invite you in to this three part series of Feminine Power Time : Embracing Our Power... where we will tap into the wisdom in the new Overwhelmed