Master Samurai Tech Radio

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 11



- Upcoming webinar on Schematic-foo: ancient Samurai art using tech sheets as deadly weapons in appliance repair. Get the details here! - Appliance product training today: we don't need hands-on, we need brains-on. The future is here NOW! - Bidness Talk: Pricing your services; fixed and variable costs; how much should you be charging for repairs? Strategic customer selection and when to fire your customer; Property managers: the scourge of the appliance repair industry?; Getting paid for your service. - Troubleshooting: what it is and what it is not. Recognizing when you don't have enough information to make an analytical diagnosis. - De-bunking another electric circuit myth... this time promulgated by a manufacturer. Using Ohm's Law to analyze the effects of high resistance/loose connections on a circuit using an electric oven bake circuit as an example.