Master Samurai Tech Radio

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 5



In this killa-manilla episode of the Master Samurai Tech Radio podcast, the Samurai and Mrs. Samurai reveal the answer to every burning question you’ve ever had about anything! Okay, okay, well we at least know you’ve been losing sleep over the mysteries of centrifugal switches and what the heck is the difference between NTC and PTC. Oh, yeah, we cover that and much, much more in what can only be called an appliance repair revelation. Here’s a list of the meaty stuff we carve up and serve in this episode: Appliance industry news on dishwashers. Link to more info. Exciting Labor Day tuition discount on all courses and bundles at the Samurai Tech Academy; Coupon code: LABORDAY2015. Enroll here! Hot tips for searching the Downloads section at to find the service manual or tech sheet you need to kick some appliance bootay. Link to Downloads section at Appliantology. Link to How-to-Search Appliantology screencast. Dispelling common misconceptions about power strips: surge suppressing