What We Will Abide

#035 – Running & Riding to Recall a Rapidly Fading Past



The fundamental flaw in our civilization is that it’s convinced itself that it’s the best way to live. But there are cracks in the drywall. In a conversation that starts off about running, veers into politics and concludes with donkeys, Christopher McDougall and I examine the damage.Then, a visit with Paul Sherban, a recent college graduate who rode 4,500 miles on his bicycle in search of slowness, not speed. He rode in effort to forget himself and found that the real lesson he learned was that he couldn’t have done it without the help of the many strangers he met along the way.This episode first aired on WLRI 93 FM on Saturday 3/25/17.From Dec 27, 2016:Christopher McDougall is well known for his 2009 book Born to Run, which, among many other things, tells the story of the Tarahumara (Rarámuri), the tribe who (literally) ran away from the Spanish Conquistadors in the 16th century – and never came back. The book features the stories of several colorful characters including the peripatetic run