

What is God like? It’s interesting that when God chose to reveal himself most fully, finally – unmistakably – with crystal clarity, He didn’t drop a systematic theology from Heaven, or a lot of core doctrines to memorize. No, that approach is too abstract, too impersonal. Nor did He launch a political campaign, with fundraisers and marketing to get the word out. No, that would be too self-promoting, too pushy.   When God wanted to reveal Himself to mankind, He sent his Son Jesus, in a manner of revelation that was inconspicuous and incognito. The refrain was "come and see" who Jesus is, what He is doing, and all that He has to offer. We have to get close, and we will discover who He is over time.   In this passage from John 2, we see three glimpses of who Jesus is and how we relate to Him.   In the story about Jesus' first miracle, John portrays Jesus as the true and greater Bridegroom whose faithfulness is everlasting and whose wine never runs out.   When Jesus cleanses the market in the temple, John