Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

49: Christ-confidence Over Self-Confidence. Replacing I, Me, and Self with CHRIST!



Have you ever been told that you need to be more  SELF-CONFIDENT? Have you been taught that you need to have SELF-CONFIDENCE but when you try it out it doesn’t work for you? Well there’s good news. Throw that advice out the window!  As a Christ-follower, there’s no way you can follow Him if you’re all about trying to build yourself up. When you try to be MORE self-confident in whatever you’re doing it just puts you in the spotlight which leaves Christ out of focus.  In this episode, you will learn THREE things you can DO to be CHRIST-confident as well as three things to stop doing and start putting into place. If you want practical and simple ways to sharpen your relationship with the Lord and to learn how to go from self to Christ-confident as you pursue fitness and health then tune into this episode. Sisters, if you are ready to blast through your excuses, to start stepping into true fulfillment and to strengthen your confidence in Christ as we define and RE-establish your fitness - not just in your phy