Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

48: Is Gluttony The Most Accepted Christian Sin?



Are you fed up with eating to the point of not being able to stop and feeling like a glutton? Did you know that gluttony is the most accepted Christian sin? If you’ve been stuck in the gluttony aka “stuffing your face phase” for a long time but you know that it’s not where you want to be then this episode will teach you some spiritual convictions that the Holy Spirit has given me about my own personal journey that you can walk away with for your own food strongholds.  Share this with your sisters in Christ who are also facing the most accepted Christian sin - gluttony. *** NOTE: On several parts, I mention that gluttony is the most “committed sin as a Christian.” However, note that I meant to say it is the most “ACCEPTED sin.” If you want the next level in running this marathon for Christ let me know because I would love to work with you and guide you on this journey. I will give you the right tools, have check-ins, accountability, and tool kits to be more successful in your run with Christ. Go to Calendly.c