Pub Theology Live

Episode 12: Baby Hitler



Bryan, Ogun and Tina discuss the resurrection: Why doesn't the Gospel of Mark, the earliest Gospel, have any appearance of Jesus on Easter morning? We also discuss jobs we've had, how our work affects our identity, whether or not it would be moral to kill Hitler as a baby if given the opportunity, and how we can raise the bar on social and political discourse in this election season. Phew that's a lot. Tune in Tuesday, March 29, 9pm ET. TUNE IN AND WIN FREE BEER: This month you can win free beer from Craft Beer Cellar! We are giving away a $25 gift card to whoever contributes the best social media comment on Facebook or Twitter. Comment on Twitter using #PTLive, or on our Facebook page: Pub Theology. We'll announce the winner on April 5. You can comment any time, not just during the live broadcast.