Natalie Sisson's Quest For Freedom - Experiments In Personal, Financial, Physical, Business, Relationship And Financial Freed

Eps 93: Manifest Miracles in your everyday world with Lana Shlafer



Do you believe that you can manifest miracles? Or are you feeling lost, tired, and not loving the life that you’ve built? I believe you can manifest miracles in your everyday life. Yes, you, you gorgeous thing! That’s what tapping into your full potential is all about. I know if you stay connected to your vision and start taking action from that place, you can’t help but create your dream reality. I am a huge fan of envisioning your life and business dreams in vivid detail, and seeing and feeling them so vividly, that they become real to you, and actually happen.Over the years I’ve done this in winning a Bodysculping Championship as a complete novice, writing and publishing my first ever Bestselling Book, getting to speak on a TEDx stage, having a six-figure launch, meeting my dream man, and more - all through the power of manifesting.That’s why I know you’ll love my kindred spirit Lana Shlafer, who knows exactly how to manifest miracles. Her story and the wisdom she shares with us in this episode are tr