

Having an aligned purpose in life is something everyone wants, but not everyone understands. In fact finding your purpose in life can feel like a bit of a puzzle, especially if you’re feeling stuck in life.You might be wondering where to even begin to find your purpose.I think your authenticity is where your purpose really lies. But I know, if you’re looking for your life purpose, authenticity can feel just as far out there to really tap into.In this week’s episode of UNTAPPED, I’m sitting down with celebrity manifestation and business coach Shanna Lee, to talk about how to find your purpose in life.I think the number one mistake people make when looking for their life’s purpose, is that they mistake purpose for a life that looks good on the outside. Because of that, people spend so much time searching for purpose outside of themselves and they miss what’s been under their nose this entire time.Our guest today understands that crossroad. Shanna went from being a very successful real estate agent to a soul ali