

 What if you could step out onto the stage of life, into the full spotlight of your gifts, and profoundly impact your ideal audience every time by finding your powerful voice?Finding your powerful voice as an entrepreneur is often one of the most difficult challenges that we face.But is it difficult because we have hidden our ability to access our powerful feminine power voice, and given way to an inner patriarchal model that causes us fear and self-doubt?Can an inner exploration of our feminine talents and qualities improve not only our life and business but also change the world around us in a truly meaningful way?Don't worry; I am not going to leave you hanging with these tantalizing open-ended questions.My lovely guest, Emma Back, is here to share some of her insights on this fascinating subject. She's a singer, songwriter, violinist, and avant-folk live-looping artist—a music educator with over ten years of experience.  In 2013 Emma founded 'She Sings Out Loud,' where she helps upcoming wo