

Imposter syndrome is real. It's alive and kicking and left unchecked, it can be seriously debilitating to your hopes and dreams. So what is it and how do you overcome imposter syndrome and kick it to the curb?You might have experienced imposter syndrome yourself. Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?One minute you're totally in flow, on top of the world and so proud of that epic blog post you just wrote, and the next minute you're like 'what if they find out I'm a fraud and I don't actually know what I'm talking about?'You've been invited to speak at a big event on the topic you're passionate about, you're all set to take the stage and suddenly you think you to yourself: 'Oh my god, I can't do this, who am I think I can pull this off. I don't even know what I'm talking about?!'Or even better, you're deep into writing your first book, the one the publisher you landed can't wait to publish. Then suddenly you get paralysed by what other people might think of you. You're worried they'll find out that you're n