

How often have you reached that point of being monumentally overwhelmed as you scramble to get your online launch of your course or digital product ready?Do you find yourself having more tasks to do, than there hours in a day, and even found yourself trying to learn a new skillset just to get your online course launched.Firstly, I want you to know you are definitely not alone.I actually think it’s a milestone every entrepreneur has to hit - recognising you're not superwoman, before you truly value the ability to outsource what you simply can't handle.Kind of like hitting rock bottom before you can rise up again.Tasha Booth found herself in this exact position years ago after starting a part-time Virtual Assistant business, that quickly grew into a full-time business for her.Before long, she found herself limited by her own abilities and of course, time.Something that we often sacrifice as entrepreneurs for the sake of an online launch or a new service offering that we go all in on.But what if I told