

Imagine having hundreds or thousands of dollars in your bank account from a course you finally launched.Imagine the joy of finally having a course you're proud of , that people have already asked and paid for.Imagine the impact that your course is going to make in their life.Really, just imagine that...That's the power of launching your damn course in 2020. I'm a firm believer that you can learn how to package your knowledge and expertise into an online course...even if you don't have a list, audience or a clear idea of what you can teach.Like Roxanne who had a list of 150 people, and launched her course to real estate agents and came away with $4,500 in less than a week, plus the joy of engaging with her students who were thrilled in their first week of going through it.Or Jenny who had an idea for her course that she'd been putting off for 2.5 years, and finally launched it to the tune of $1500 before even creating it.Or Karen who had a course, but had never done much with it and didn't believe in it,