Yogi Misfit Sessions

121 | Fierce Calm #yogasavedmylife | Feat. Davina Davidson



Yogis, I am so excited to have Davina on the Yogi Misfit Sessions podcast this week. We discuss home-life adjustments we have to make during this pandemic and how doing yoga from home has been an adjustment for herself and her family. Davina is also a lululemon ambassador and Fierce Calm ambassador. She was a school teacher before yoga and was moving toward becoming an Assistant Principal but then life changed and yoga became a place where she could be herself. Peace and calm snuck up on her and it’s been her path ever since. Follow Davina on Instagram @iamdavinadavidsonwww.yogawithdavina.comMUSIC: Process by 92elmSUPPORT THE SHOW: If you find this podcast valuable you can support it directly by visiting https://dannipomplun.com/support/WRITE A REVIEW: If you like the podcast, please leave a review or rating on iTunes! Click here for a quick and easy guide on how to leave a review on iTunes.Don’t forget to subscribe via: iTunes | Google Play | RSS |