Inner Dominatrix




Ooh!! We get to be a fly on the wall with this one! Super successful Rina Rovinelli shows us that no matter how big you get in your business, there is always room for improvement. She graciously and bravely allows us to listen in on her personal coaching session with Dana. You can’t get any more authentic than this! Dana takes Rina through a series of clearing exercises; tackling the charges around asking people for money, being a pushy salesperson, being successful and being good enough. I highly recommend you breathe and play along with the home game. You will see how clearing out the charge around both sides of an issue that is blocking you can actually open the way for you to step in and choose what actually works for you. And if this kind of work seems like a fit for where you are right now, book a session with Dana. That way instead of being supercharged with blocks, you can be supercharged with choice, just like Rina. Thanks Rina and Dana for sharing this po